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Tooth pain can be frustrating, especially when you don’t know what’s causing it! Whether you have a dull ache or a sharp, shooting pain, your teeth are trying to tell you something isn’t quite right.

Keep reading to learn the top five reasons for tooth pain and when to book an appointment at Lister House Dental Centre, Essex, for a check-up.

Reason #1 Tooth Sensitivity

If your teeth are set on edge when you sip an ice-cold drink or bite into something hot, tooth sensitivity maybe the cause of your pain. This can happen when:

  • Your enamel has worn down, exposing sensitive dentin.
  • You have receding gums related to gum disease or overly harsh brushing.
  • You’ve recently had teeth whitening treatment (but don’t worry – this one is normal and temporary!)

How to fix it

Our Essex-based dentists recommend buying a sensitive toothpaste like Sensodyne to help with your pain. However, if the problem persists, then it’s time to book a dental checkup at our dental practice in Harlow. We can then rule out deeper issues such as gum disease or recession.

Reason #2 Cavities

Cavities might start off small, but without treatment they can lead to severe tooth pain! Symptoms of tooth decay range from pain when eating sweets and drinking hot/cold beverages, a visible hole or dark spot on your tooth, and/or lingering pain without a real trigger.

How to fix it

A cavity won’t heal on its own. The good news is that our expert restorative dentists can correct the issue with gentle, pain-free filling treatment!

Reason #3 Gum Disease

Gum disease is one of the biggest causes of tooth pain, but most people don’t even realise they have it! Starting with red, swollen gums, gum disease can lead to bone loss AND loose teeth, so it’s important to address the issue early on.

How to fix it

Unfortunately advanced gum disease isn’t curable, which is why we emphasise preventative hygiene treatments to remove plaque and bacteria before they cause permanent damage.

Reason #4 Tooth Grinding

A lot of people grind their teeth without realising it – especially at night! Over time, teeth grinding can wear down enamel, causing tooth and jaw pain and even cracked teeth. You may suffer from teeth grinding if you:

  • Consistently wake up with a sore jaw or headache
  • Have flattened, chipped and sensitive teeth
  • Experience clicking or popping in your jaw

How to fix it

At Lister House Dental Centre, Harlow, we can create bespoke mouthguards to protect your teeth at night and reduce any pain caused by grinding.

Reason #5 Tooth Infection

And finally, a tooth abscess is one of the most common dental conditions that can cause sensitivity. Infectious abscesses occur when bacteria reaches the nerve inside your tooth and requires urgent treatment.

How to fix it

If you have severe pain or swelling, contact our dental practice immediately. If left untreated, an infected tooth can lead to more serious complications.

If you’re experiencing toothache, the sooner you visit a Lister House dentist the better! For comprehensive check-ups, hygiene treatments or emergency care, simply phone 01279 423521 / 430101.